Please click here for the current school menu. (can this open the pdf of the menu flyer – attached)
All food is purchased using a cashless system. Money is added to a child’s account via the school gateway or automatically if the child is eligible for Free School Meals, this is then accessed at a till point via biometric thumb prints to ensure only the account holder can purchase food from that account. The school identity cards can also be used where thumbprints have not been taken. All biometric data conforms with GDPR regulations and is stored as a numerical representation of the thumbprint.
Our catering partner is Alliance in Partnership – AiP, part of the Sodexo group.
There are 4 catering points in the school,
Main dining room- open before school break and lunch, year groups enter on a rotating order at lunchtime, all hot and cold meal options served on crockery, eaten in the dining room.
Playroom – open at break and lunch. Cold drinks, sandwiches, baguettes, some hot grab and go at break, hot food on a Friday
Centenary Room – open at break and lunch, cold drinks, grab and go hot food at break and lunch.
VI form common room – open at break and lunch, hot and cold food for sixth form only.
In addition, there are cold water drinking points for refilling water bottles in the playroom, dining room, sports hall, Design and Technology block and sixth form centre.
A meal deal consisting of the main meal of the day and a dessert or fruit item costs £2.65. All items can also be bought separately. This is also the value of a free school meal daily credit.
The menu is on a 3-week rotation, the current menu rotation can be seen from the link at the top of the page. Meat free Mondays have a choice of different meat free alternatives and there are always vegetarian and vegan options available on other days.
Free School Meals. If you think you may be eligible for free school meals please follow the instructions after clicking this link. the school will be notified if your child is eligible for Free School meals and in most cases these will begin the day after we are notified.
We cannot back date free school meal eligibility.
Medical or Religion based diets
There is always a variety of food for vegetarian and vegan diets as well as Halal options.
Specific medical based diets can also be catered for with advance notice, for example gluten free pasta. The catering staff are available to inform children of specific ingredients and the till system prevents food which affects allergies we have been told about being served to students in year 7-11.
Special diets information is requested on joining the school via the medical information form, if your child develops an allergy during their time at school please inform us via email to, for the attention of the first aid co-ordinator.
Halal meat served by AIP is certified by the Halal Authority Board and the Halal Monitoring Board