Achieving your desired destination after A-Levels is not just about getting great grades. You need to spend the Sixth Form developing both your interests and your profile. It is the time when you explore all possible career avenues and make your own mind up about the next stage of your life.
Your EPQ, which is compulsory for all students in Year 12, is an excellent opportunity to develop, and show commitment to, an interesting academic topic. This might go beyond, or fit between, your A-Level subjects, or be related to something entirely different. The EPQ makes excellent material for application statements and interviews, as it will show not only your ability to sustain an interest in something, but also the ability to analyse information critically, manage time, make decisions and reflect on your progress – all of which will be of interest to employers and admissions tutors.
There are no lessons for Sixth Form students on Wednesday afternoons. Students are expected to be actively engaged in subject enrichment. This could be:
- attending a University masterclass or taster session
- wider independent subject reading
- work experience
- volunteering
It is possible for students to use Wednesday afternoons to complete school work, so that they are free at other times to engage in the above activities.
We support our students in applying to university access schemes and summer schools. In 2019, over 40 students applied to University of Birmingham schemes through Pathways to Birmingham and over 30 students took part in Sutton Trust summer schools.
Our curriculum for Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education covers key life skill strands of:
- Relationships and Sex Education
- Personal Safety and Well-being
- Careers
- Finance and Preparation for life after school
- Digital Safety
- Politics and Democracy
In addition to this, we have a programme of activities run in Form Time and Assemblies, which are designed to help you make the step up to A-Level, record your competencies in preparation for making applications and write your personal statement.