At the King Edward VI Foundation, we welcome children from all backgrounds into our schools.

 As part of our efforts to further improve the accessibility of our schools, children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium can receive early access to our online support platform to help them to become familiar with the kinds of questions that will be in the entrance test. We partner with Atom Home to deliver this support.

 If your child is in Year 4 or 5 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the form by clicking the button below. You will be given free access to Atom Home for your child when their Pupil Premium status has been verified by their primary school.

 Follow this link to access the form.

 Atom is a fun, free platform which adapts to your child’s level. As a parent, you will be able to see how your child is progressing and keep up to date with new homework your child has been assigned.


King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls is an Academy under the Academies Act, 2010.

To view the Admission Criteria and Policy for September 2025 please Click Here

The Birmingham City Council Local Offer

Sixth Form Open Evening – Tuesday 24th October 2023

Year 7 Open Evening – Thursday 4th July 2024   4.30pm – 7.30pm. (To allow all staff and visitors time to vote in the General Election)

Admissions into Year 7

The school admits 192 students into Year 7 at the age of eleven with places allocated based on the entrance test arrangements. The full admissions criteria are available by clicking on the relevant link above.

All places at the School are free. A very large number of applications are made for entry in Year 7 and admission is based solely on the results of the admission criteria administered by the Schools of King Edward VI. The admission process begins in May of year 5 when prospective students should be registered for the entrance test. Open events are held from June of year 5 onwards to encourage parents and students to visit the School. Parents, including those living in other education authorities, need to register for the tests with the Grammar Schools in Birmingham and must also complete the relevant Local Authority school preference form. Details of the entrance test and application form are available from The Grammar Schools in Birmingham website

The Grammar Schools in Birmingham Entrance Test – Saturday 14th September 2024

If your child is currently in Year 5 and you would like them to sit the entrance test for entry to Year 7 in September 2025, you will need to register online for the test between 7th May 2024 and 28th June 2024 (by 4pm).

If any dates/plans regarding the entrance test change from those already published, this will be communicated as soon as possible. We are monitoring the situation and will follow advice and guidance from the Government.  For more information please visit 

Occasionally places become available in other year groups over the course of the academic year. The School keeps a waiting list and should a place become available, we administer a test to all students on the waiting list for that year group.

Year 7 (first term)

If a vacancy arises during the first term of Year 7, the waiting list in existence from 1 March of that year will be used and the place offered in accordance with the admissions criteria above. This is a list of those who sat the entrance test and who did not receive an offer from this school or a more preferred school.

In-year 7 – 11

At any point from January after the pupil starts Year 7, parents may apply for a place at the school. In-year vacancies normally only become available if a current pupil is leaving the school. Any applicant who cannot be offered a place will be added to the school’s waiting list and parents will be informed of their right of appeal. If a vacancy arises, candidates on the waiting list will be invited to take a test and the place will be awarded to the highest scoring candidate above a minimum standard.

The Academy will provide details of places available to the Local Authority (LA) within two school days of a request for the information. This enables the LA to monitor availability of academy places in Birmingham and supports Keeping Children Safe in Education.

The Academy will notify the LA of an In-Year application and its outcome as soon as reasonably practicable, aiming to do so within two school days.

The Academy aims to notify parents/carers of the outcome of their in-year application within 10 school days, and we will notify parents/carers in writing within 15 school days.

Parents/carers will need to reapply at the start of each academic year if they want their child to be included on the waiting list, where a place cannot be offered.

If you wish to add your daughter to our waiting list, please complete and return both waiting list forms (below). The forms can either be returned by post to:

FAO Admissions Officer
King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls
Rose Hill Road
B21 9AR

OR scanned and sent to our email

BCC In Year Transfer Letter
BCC In Year Transfer Form

Waiting List Letter

Waiting List Form

Waiting List Procedure

We will place a candidate on the waiting list for their year group once the correct forms have been returned. If a vacancy were to arise for your daughter’s year group, your daughter would be invited to sit a vacancy test consisting of Mathematics, English and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The test will last approximately 2hrs – 2hrs30mins and will include a small break. After roughly 1-2 weeks, once all completed tests have been marked by the appropriate departments, parents will be informed on whether or not their daughter was successful. Successful candidates will be contacted by phone; unsuccessful candidates will be contacted via email. Please ensure the email address you provide on the waiting list form is clear. We also recommend adding the waiting list email address ( to your contact list, to avoid emails from us mistakenly being marked as SPAM.

Admissions into the Sixth Form

The School admits approximately fifty to eighty external students into the Sixth Form each September. We welcome applications from ambitious and motivated students in the Birmingham area and beyond who wish to study at Handsworth School for Girls.

In November each year we hold a Sixth Form Open Evening for students current and prospective Students who are interested in studying with us at A Level. This evening is an opportunity to visit the school, meet the staff and students and to learn more about the courses we offer and the application process. For further details about the application process for prospective students, please visit the Sixth Form Admissions tab on our website.

Entry requirements into the Sixth Form

To achieve entry into the Sixth Form in September 2023 prospective entrants, both from King Edward VI Handsworth School and other schools, must:

Achieve 6 GCSEs at grade 6 or above, which would include English and Mathematics.

Grades 7-9 are expected in the subjects pupils wish to study at A level, (A Level Religious Studies may be chosen without a GCSE in Religious Studies.) and there are specific requirements for new subjects:

For Economics – a 7 in Mathematics

For Politics – a 7 in one of History or English (Language or Literature)

For Psychology – a 7 in any one of: English (Language or Literature), Mathematics, a Humanity (History, Geography, RS) or a Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Science, or Combined Science)

At King Edward VI Handsworth School all students normally three subjects at A Level.  In addition they normally study for the Extended Project Qualification over the two years of sixth form. In exceptional circumstances students may be allowed to study four subjects at A Level with the Extended Project Qualification.

Click here for Sixth Form Expression of Interest Form