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Becoming a Senior Prefect is a significant privilege, a commitment to serve the school and recognition of a range of personal qualities shown in the application process. There are 25 Prefects, and the School Captain and two Deputy School Captains are elected from the team by the staff and the older students in the school.
It’s a two-way street. On the one hand, Senior Prefects carry out many duties which help the school to run efficiently and for the benefit of its community and visitors. Break and lunchtime supervision duties combine with helping at events such as parents evenings and admissions tours. On the other hand, being a Prefect is a platform to develop an aspect of school life, working alongside the relevant staff. There is a Year Prefect for each school year, who might help with transition assemblies and be a point of contact for students. There are House Captains, who guide their members through the annual cycle of competitions, from the Handmade Christmas Design Technology competition to Sports Day. Finally there are Prefects who carry out whole school roles such as Charity, Collaboration, Wellbeing and Sustainability. They will hold assemblies and organise events in these key strands of school life.
Any Year 12 student is welcome to apply, whether they have been here since Year 7 or have recently joined us. Good attendance, punctuality and academic performance are givens. After that, we ask applicants to write a letter of application which describes their non-academic activities and how they have developed as people through these. There is a group discussion task, which is observed by current prefects, and finally an In-Tray exercise all about prioritising and acting under pressure. We deliberately imitate processes found in applications to the professions, and all applicants know they have been through a rigorous but fun series of activities.