
The Physical Education programme and extracurricular activities at King Edward VI Handsworth School develops pupils’ competence and confidence to take part in a wide range of physical activities that become a central part of the girl’s lives, both in and out of school.

We offer a high-quality P.E curriculum, which enables all pupils to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. They develop a wide range of skills and the ability to use tactics, strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When they are performing, they think about what they are doing, analyse the situation and make decisions. They also reflect on their own and others’ performances and find ways to improve them. As a result, they develop the confidence to take part in different physical activities and learn about the value of healthy, active lifestyles. Discovering what they like to do, what their aptitudes are at school, and how and where to get involved in physical activity helps them make informed choices about lifelong physical activity.

P.E at King Edward VI Handsworth School helps pupils develop personally and socially. They work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating. Through the range of experiences that PE offers, they learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations.

Intent: – It is our intent to teach a high-quality physical education curriculum that enables all pupils to retain a high level of fitness. One that  inspires all pupils to be physically active and helps them become physically confident in a variety of sports and theory which supports their health and fitness. Our curriculum  gives opportunities to compete, lead and perform a range of  activities to build values and character in order to embed the importance of good social, emotional and physical health for their lifestyle today and in the future. 


  • Pupils will develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • Pupils will be physically active for sustained periods of time
  • Pupils will engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Pupils will lead healthy, active lives

Promote an understanding that physical activity contributes to the healthy functioning of the body and mind and is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle. Recognizing that regular physical activity that is fit for purpose, safe and enjoyable has the greatest impact on physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Curriculum and Assessment Maps

In year 7 we would like each pupil to learn new skills in key sports and start to understand the benefits of exercise for them to be healthy physically, emotionally and socially.

Key Learning Construct 1


Playing sports with confidence and safety by abiding by the rules of the game.
Sports Netball & dance
Assessment Netball
Key Learning Construct 2


Exploring basic choreographic devices and fundamentals of movement.
Sports Gymnastics & badminton
Assessment Gymnastics
Key Learning Construct 3 Understanding how to exercise safely, what it is to have a healthy lifestyle and the parts that make up fitness.
Sports Rounders and athletics
Assessment Athletics

Outside the taught curriculum

  • Attend extra-curricular sports clubs both inside and outside of school.
  • Extra-curricular outside of school doesn’t have to be competitive – go swimming, go to fitness classes, play badminton, practice yoga, go for walks…aim to keep your body and mind healthy.
  • Watch sport on TV and YouTube – this will broaden your understanding of many sports when you see them played at a high level. Sky Sports, BBC, ITV, TNT Sports, Premier Sports to name but a few. Many channels are also on social media sites.
  • Be particularly engaged in big sporting events – Commonwealth Games, Olympics, Paralympics, World Cups, Six Nations, The Hundred.
  • If you are ever able, there are many venues to watch both male and female professional sports in Birmingham: Aston Villa FC, Birmingham City FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Priory Club (Tennis), Birmingham Panthers Netball.

Suggested reading

Year 8

Key Learning Construct 1


Application of technique in competitive situations and skills in isolation.
Sports Handball & gymnastics
Assessment Handball
Key Learning Construct 2


Performing at maximum levels and analysing their performance to aid improvement.
Sports OAA/Fitness & Touch Rugby
Assessment Fitness
Key Learning Construct 3 Showing an appreciation of the systems in the body that allow movement and sport.
Sports Cricket & tennis
Assessment Cricket or tennis

Outside the taught curriculum

  • Attend extra-curricular sports clubs both inside and outside of school.
  • Extra-curricular outside of school doesn’t have to be competitive – go swimming, go to fitness classes, play badminton, practice yoga, go for walks…aim to keep your body and mind healthy.
  • Watch sport on TV and YouTube – this will broaden your understanding of many sports when you see them played at a high level. Sky Sports, BBC, ITV, TNT Sports, Premier Sports to name but a few. Many channels are also on social media sites.
  • Be particularly engaged in big sporting events – Commonwealth Games, Olympics, Paralympics, World Cups, Six Nations, The Hundred.
  • If you are ever able, there are many venues to watch both male and female professional sports in Birmingham: Aston Villa FC, Birmingham City FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Priory Club (Tennis), Birmingham Panthers Netball.

Suggested reading

Read sports pages in newspapers, magazines, social media and websites.

Year 9

Key Learning Construct 1


Exploring aesthetic performance using basic and complex choreographic devices.
Sports Netball & dance
Assessment Dance
Key Learning Construct 2


Strategies and tactics to overcome opponents.
Sports Badminton & fitness
Assessment Badminton
Key Learning Construct 3 Exploring and communicating ideas on how to exercise safely and effectively.
Sports Rounders & athletics
Assessment Rounders

Outside the taught curriculum

  • Attend extra-curricular sports clubs both inside and outside of school.
  • Extra-curricular outside of school doesn’t have to be competitive – go swimming, go to fitness classes, play badminton, practice yoga, go for walks…aim to keep your body and mind healthy.
  • Watch sport on TV and YouTube – this will broaden your understanding of many sports when you see them played at a high level. Sky Sports, BBC, ITV, TNT Sports, Premier Sports to name but a few. Many channels are also on social media sites.
  • Be particularly engaged in big sporting events – Commonwealth Games, Olympics, Paralympics, World Cups, Six Nations, The Hundred.
  • If you are ever able, there are many venues to watch both male and female professional sports in Birmingham: Aston Villa FC, Birmingham City FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Priory Club (Tennis), Birmingham Panthers Netball.

Suggested reading

Year 10 GCSE

Key Learning Constructs to be Developed Over the Academic Year:

AO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport.

AO2 – Apply knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport.

AO3 – Analyse and evaluate the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport.

A04 – Demonstrate and apply relevant skills and techniques in physical activity and sport. Analyse and evaluate performance.

Autumn Term Scheme of Learning


1.2 The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system

1.4 The short- and long-term effects of exercise


3.1 The relationship between health and fitness and the role that exercise plays in both

3.2 The components of fitness, benefits for sport and how fitness is measured and improved

3.3 The principles of training and their application to personal exercise/ training programmes

4.1 Use of data




Netball – against the GCSE criteria

End of Term Test

Spring Term Scheme of Learning


1.3 Anaerobic and aerobic exercise

1.1 The structure and functions of the Musculo-skeletal system

1.4 The short- and long-term effects of exercise

4.1 Use of data


3.5.1 The use of a PARQ to assess personal readiness for training

3.6 Effective use of warm up and cool down

2.2 The use of goal setting and SMART targets to improve and/or optimise performance

Writing of their Personal Exercise Programme




Handball/Dance – against the GCSE criteria

End of Term Test

Summer Term Scheme of Learning


1.1 The structure and functions of the Musculo-skeletal system

1.4 The short- and long-term effects of exercise

2.1 Lever systems, examples of their use in activity

2.2 Planes and axes of movement


Writing of their Personal Exercise Programme




Handball/Dance – against the GCSE criteria

End of Term Test

Outside the taught curriculum/How can parents help

  • Attend extra-curricular sports clubs both inside and outside of school – particularly in sports that you are most likely to be moderated in for your GCSE.
  • Past paper questions and mark schemes are essential in seeing what the exam board wants from your academic answers.
  • Use online learning platforms Seneca and Everlearner (YouTube).
  • Make revision mind maps of each topic
  • Download and print large scale skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Have these as posters in your room to help your remember and revise.
  • Get interested in sport and the sporting world around you! Watch, listen and read about sport.
  • If you are ever able, there are many venues to watch both male and female professional sports in Birmingham: Aston Villa FC, Birmingham City FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Priory Club (Tennis), Birmingham Panthers Netball.
  • See the ‘useful links’ tab for more information.

Year 11 GCSE PE

Key Learning Constructs to be Developed Over the Academic Year:

AO1 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport.

AO2 – Apply knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport.

AO3 – Analyse and evaluate the factors that underpin performance and involvement in physical activity and sport.

A04 – Demonstrate and apply relevant skills and techniques in physical activity and sport. Analyse and evaluate performance.


Autumn Term Scheme of Learning (2025 cohort)


Paper 1 – Revision

  • The structure and functions of the Musculo-skeletal system

1.2 The structure and functions of the cardio-respiratory system

1.3 Anaerobic and aerobic exercise

1.4 The short- and long-term effects of exercise

2.1 Lever systems, examples of their use in activity

2.2 Planes and axes of movement

Paper 2 – New Content

  • Physical, emotional and social health, fitness and wellbeing
  • The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle
  • Energy use, diet, nutrition and hydration


Evaluating their PEP.

Editing and finalising coursework


Badminton & Netball


December Mock Exam – Paper 1 & Paper 2 content

Badminton & Netball

Spring Term Scheme of Learning

Paper 2 – New Content

2.1 Classification of skills (basic/ complex, open/closed)

2.3 Guidance and feedback on performance

2.4 Mental preparation for performance


3.1 Engagement patterns of different social groups in physical activity and sport

3.2 Commercialisation of physical activity and sport

3.3 Ethical and socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport


Handball & Dance


Spring Mock Exam

Handball & Dance

Outside the taught curriculum/How can parents help

  • Attend extra-curricular sports clubs both inside and outside of school – particularly in sports that you are most likely to be moderated in for your GCSE.
  • Past paper questions and mark schemes are essential in seeing what the exam board wants from your academic answers.
  • Use online learning platforms Seneca and Everlearner (YouTube).
  • Make revision mind maps of each topic
  • Download and print large scale skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Have these as posters in your room to help your remember and revise.
  • Get interested in sport and the sporting world around you! Watch, listen and read about sport.
  • If you are ever able, there are many venues to watch both male and female professional sports in Birmingham: Aston Villa FC, Birmingham City FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Priory Club (Tennis), Birmingham Panthers Netball.

See the ‘useful links’ tab for more information.

KS4 Core PE

KS4 Leadership

Each teaching group will go through 3 different pathways of leadership throughout Key Stage 4 – Primary School Competition, House Tournament Competition & Fitness Programme.

During Autumn Term 1, each teaching group will undertake the same first 4 lessons of communication, motivation, behaviour management and voice projection as the fundamental skills required for leadership.

Following this, each class will then begin to learn about warm-ups and cools down in relation to their leadership pathway.

Each group will rotate every term and a half.

ROTATION 1 – Primary School
Key Learning Construct 1


Fundamental Leadership Skills – Communication & Motivation Leadership to KS2
Sports Using sport as a medium, pupils will learn various ways to communicate, motivate, manage behaviour and voice projection. Using sport as a medium, pupils will learn how to lead a multi-skills circuit.
Assessment Warm up delivery Lead Primary School Multiskills Circuit
Rotation 2 – House Tournament
  Fundamental Leadership Skills – Communication & Motivation Fairness & Respect in Sport
Leadership Using sport as a medium, pupils will learn various ways to communicate, motivate, manage behaviour and voice projection. Using sport as a medium, pupils will learn various ways to umpire and officiate.
Assessment Warm up delivery Lead a House Tournament
Rotation 3 – Fitness Programme
  Fundamental Leadership Skills – Communication & Motivation Resilience and Perseverance
Leadership Using sport as a medium, pupils will learn various ways to communicate, motivate, manage behaviour and voice projection. Pupils will learn how to safely and effectively use the equipment in the fitness suite. They will guide their peer and motivate them through a fitness programme.

Pupils will look to show resilience and perseverance as they aim to improve their fitness levels.

Assessment Warm up delivery Guiding a peer through a fitness programme

Outside the taught curriculum

  • Attend extra-curricular sports clubs both inside and outside of school.
  • Extra-curricular outside of school doesn’t have to be competitive – go swimming, go to fitness classes, play badminton, practice yoga, go for walks…aim to keep your body and mind healthy.
  • Watch sport on TV and YouTube – this will broaden your understanding of many sports when you see them played at a high level. Sky Sports, BBC, ITV, TNT Sports, Premier Sports to name but a few. Many channels are also on social media sites.
  • Be particularly engaged in big sporting events – Commonwealth Games, Olympics, Paralympics, World Cups, Six Nations, The Hundred.
  • If you are ever able, there are many venues to watch both male and female professional sports in Birmingham: Aston Villa FC, Birmingham City FC, Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, Edgbaston Cricket Ground, Edgbaston Priory Club (Tennis), Birmingham Panthers Netball.

Suggested Reading

Further information

Mrs A Carter – Subject Lead of Physical Education

Mrs S Shepherd – Teacher of PE & Year 12 Pastoral Lead

Mrs L Gardener – Teacher of PE

Mrs N Morgan – Teacher of PE

Mrs C Osborn – Teacher of PE & Associate Assistant Head

  1. Encourage students to be physical active
  2. Encourage students to join clubs both in and out of school.
  3. Encourage students to watch sports related documentaries.
  4. Share your sporting experiences.
  5. Share opinions and knowledge of any issues such as drugs in sport – Is it fair? Etc
  6. Encourage students to watch the sporting news.
  7. Encourage students to read about sports in a newspaper
  8. Encourage discussion about current sporting affairs.
  9. Allow on-line access to key websites.
  10. Encourage students to use the library.

Here are just a few areas in which doing Physical Education would prove to be useful:

  • Doctor or nurse
  • Veterinary
  • Travel and tourism and sports
  • Science research into anatomy and physiology
  • Teaching
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology of sports
  • Dietician
  • Any profession that requires confidence in collaboration, communication, flexibility, loyalty, persevering and the willingness to embrace a new challenge

The Physical Education Department offer an extensive range of extra-curricular activities to be part of, either recreationally or competitively.

The timetable will change every term, however, here is a taste of the types of activities we will offer throughout the year:

  • Netball
  • Trampolining
  • Dance
  • Football
  • Indoor and outdoor athletics
  • Indoor and outdoor cricket
  • Badminton
  • Benchball
  • Dodgeball
  • Tennis
  • Rounders
  • Basketball
  • Fitness suite
  • Yoga/Pilates
  • Volleyball
  • Table tennis

For KS4 & KS5, there are also opportunities to expand on their leadership qualification by leading extra-curricular clubs alongside teachers.