King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls is an 11-18 selective girls’ school. We are an academy, a member of the King Edward VI Multi Academy Trust and the King Edward VI Foundation in Birmingham.
The school has been situated on Rose Hill Road, Handsworth since 1911. Our facilities are excellent and provide a 21st century learning environment. Our school is built on a pleasant, enclosed campus, close to the centre of Birmingham. The main building was constructed in 1911 and contains some excellent specialist teaching rooms and a beautiful hall. As a school we are committed to offering vibrant extra-curricular activities in which participation is valued and celebrated. We understand that there is far more to education than the learning that takes place in the classroom and there is always an activity available for those who want to get involved. We believe students should take advantage of the opportunities provided; they will meet new friends from other classes and years; and learn a new skill or see a subject in a different light. Our extracurricular timetable changes termly to allow for a wide range of sports, societies and clubs. Many of these groups are led by our Sixth Form students who wish to share their passion for a subject or activity. We have a strong musical tradition with choirs, orchestras and numerous instrumental lessons. Drama flourishes and we have several clubs run as well as our school production and joint ventures with King Edward VI Aston School, King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School and King Edward VI Handsworth Wood Girls’ Academy. Teams represent us in all the major sports. A contribution to the life of the School is expected from students and staff alike. Charity fundraising is an integral part of the school year. Students and staff commit themselves with great enthusiasm to a range of original fundraising events. We support a range of causes each year; Comic Relief, Sports Relief, LEPRA, Pink Day and Children in Need. Our biggest events are the annual Race for Life Pink Day held each year and Children in Need week which comprises of a series of form organised fund raising activities. As a result, we raise over £15,000 each year for the organisations we support. Whilst we may be a school steeped in tradition and history, something of which we are fiercely proud, we are also an ambitious, forward-thinking and outward-facing school. From this basis we are able to help our students face and meet the challenges of a fast-paced and ever-changing world.
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