Good attendance is absolutely essential to success at school. Children who miss school do far worse in exams and future earnings than children who always attend. Good attendance is 95-100% attendance each year. Lower than 95% makes it harder for your child to do well. Less than 90% causes serious concern.
Attendance during one school year | equals this number of days absent | which is approximately these many weeks absent | which means this number of lessons missed |
95% | 9.5 days | 2 weeks | 60 lessons |
90% | 19 days | 4 weeks | 120 lessons |
80% | 38 days | 8 weeks | 200 lessons |
70% | 57 days | 11.5 weeks | 300 lessons |
What can Parents/Guardians do?
¨ You can support your child by making sure that they do attend school every day unless definitely too poorly. You will be able to spot genuine illness. Boots have produced really helpful guidance on this
¨ Absence can only be reported on Studybugs. Here’s the link:
¨ If your child doesn’t want to come to school for any reason, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance.
Our Attendance Team’s role is to investigate absenteeism by contacting parents either by letter or in person at the home address. We are here to be supportive and will resolve any difficulties regarding attendance as quickly as possible.
Please do not be surprised if a member of staff talks to your child about their attendance. In the first instance form tutors will identify where students have dropped below 98% and further communication from school will be sent once your child falls below 95%. Other interventions will be put in place at 90% when a student becomes known as ‘persistently absent.’
When a pupil’s attendance falls below an acceptable level without an authorised reason and does not improve even with the help of the Attendance Support Team, the Education Authority has no choice but to take legal proceedings against the parents/guardians in the Magistrates Court.
Punctuality to school is always important.
- Registration begins at 8.35.
- Between 8:40 and 8:55 students will be marked as L and minutes late recorded. You child must sign in with the Attendance Officer.
After school detentions will be issued for persistent lateness to school.
Our school’s Attendance Team includes
Miss Kumari, Attendance Officer
Mrs Toy, Family Liaison Officer
Mrs Jones, Assistant Head (Director of Safeguarding and Pastoral Care Years 7-11)
Birmingham City Council Attendance Guidance – Support First 2024
We work within the attendance framework outlined by Birmingham City Council, a link to this can be found here.
Birmingham City Council School Attendance Update September 2024